Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Rights of Patients/Governance: Patient Rights & Responsibilities DS 7/13 DS 6/14 DS 4/15 DS 3/16 DS 3/17 DS2/18 DS 3/19 DS2/20DS2/21

You Have the Right...

To Humane Care and Treatment

  • To be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity. Your personal beliefs and convictions will be taken into account when you seek help.
  • You may refuse treatment or appropriate referral after they are explained to you without jeopardizing future access to care.
  • You have the right to change providers if desired.
  • You have the right to refuse participation in research.

To Understand

  • To be given accurate information and explanations to the extent known, concerning diagnosis, treatment and expected outcome of a health-related
  • condition in order to enable you to make a decision about your care.
  • To have any questions you may have answered as well as the opportunity to ask for a second opinion.
  • To know who is counseling, caring for, or treating you.
  • To an explanation of payment policies and any fees.
  • To information about protecting your health between visits and when to call the clinic for health concerns and problems.

To Confidentiality

  • Patient disclosures and records are treated confidentially and except when required by law, records release must be approved by you. Confidentiality may be violated in certain emergencies or if an individual poses a significant threat of harm to self or others.

To Privacy

  • To be examined and interviewed in individual rooms.

You Have the Responsibility...

To Be Honest

  • To clearly identify yourself so that entries are made into the correct record and there are no errors in treatment. Do not lend your ID to others.
  • To give us information about your past and present health, any treatments, and any medications you may have taken including over the counter products and dietary supplements. Also, any allergies or sensitivities you may have.

To Help Us

  • To tell us if you do not understand the instructions, or if there is some reason that you will not be able to follow them, or if you have any other problems.
  • To provide reasonable transportation home with an adult when applicable and to remain with them when necessary.
  • To offer your suggestions, opinions, or complaints so we may improve our services.

To Improve

  • To give us your correct name and address, to facilitate our contacting you in the event of the need for follow-up.
  • To return our calls promptly. It may be important!

To Grow

  • To keep or cancel any appointments you have made.
  • To show courtesy and respect to health center personnel.
  • To avoid giving medication prescribed for you to others.
  • To pay as much as you can of any fees and to make these payments as soon as you can.