Blood Pressure Monitoring
Nearly one in five people is unaware that they have high blood pressure. Hypertension increases the risk for heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, and stroke, the third leading cause of death in the United States.
Get your blood pressure checked regularly.
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for Faculty, Staff and Students
What is Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)?
ABPM is a technique to gauge accurate blood pressure over a 24-hour period using a monitor.
- The monitor is worn on a belt or in a pouch, but the blood pressure cuff must be worn on the participant's non-dominant arm for 24 hours.
- While wearing the cuff, participants must keep their arm relatively still each time the cuff is inflating.
- Participants are also unable to shower or exercise while wearing the monitor.
The monitor is programmed to take readings every 20 minutes when the wearer is awake and every 60 minutes when the wearer is asleep. At the end of testing, results are downloaded and printed for the participant. The readings are very reliable, accurate to within 5 mmHg of readings taken with a manual blood pressure cuff.
For faculty or staff who participate in ABPM, Weigel Health Center is not responsible for treatment or follow-through on results but asks participants to follow up with their doctors accordingly. Weigel Health will not use the results of any tests performed for any purpose.
Julie Mondanaro, nurse practitioner, Weigel Health Center
(716) 878-6711
- Testing will be scheduled Monday–Thursday only, preferably in the morning.
- Please wear loose-fitting clothing to your appointment.
- The cuff will be placed on your nondominant arm.