About Weigel Health Center
Hours: Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Location: Academic Drive, Lot R6 Campus Map
Weigel Health Center is open to all Buffalo State students and provides many services that may be beneficial to our student community.
- We have nurse practitioners on-site Monday thru Friday, and our physician is here Monday afternoon, and all-day Tuesday and Friday, all year. They can provide general health care and women’s health care.
- We also provide services such as blood pressure monitoring, smoking cessation, minor injuries/illnesses, general, work, or sport physicals, PPD testing, STI screening and preventative care, birth control, ECP, pregnancy test, routine GYN, and PAP smears.
- Students must have an appointment to be seen.
- Your appointment is covered by the mandatory Health Fee.
- A reserved parking spot is available for injured or ill students with appointments.
- A parking permit is required for the reserved spot and can be obtained at the front desk.
Make an Appointment
*Emergencies will be evaluated as needed.
After Hours Care
After Hours Nursing Care
If you call after hours, you can still speak to a nurse.
Call FONEMED: (866) 710-1002
- On-campus emergencies: (716) 878-6333
- Off-campus emergencies: call 911
- Local emergency rooms
Your Health Fee
- Your Health Center appointment is covered by the mandatory Health Fee.
- The mandatory health fee (charged each semester) is used to support the operation of the Weigel Health Center, and to promote health and wellness programs conducted for the benefit of students.
- The Health Fee is not health insurance.
- The Health Fee cannot be waived.
Health Insurance
- All full-time, and part-time students are recommended to have insurance (either your own, or under a parent/guardian).
- Health insurance is needed for off-campus services: emergency room, urgent care, prescriptions, x-rays, physical therapy, vision, dental services.
Submitting Insurance or Immunization Information
Weigel Health Center
Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Fax: (716) 878-6727
Email* your information to : weigel@buffalostate.edu
*This email cannot be used to schedule appointments or for any personal health issues.
Appointments must be through the student portal or by calling Weigel Health Center (716) 878-6711.
Your Privacy
According to HIPAA regulations, Weigel Health Center, does not disclose any medical information without written consent from the student. However if any outside testing is ordered, the insurance subscriber may receive an “Explanation of Benefits” (summary of laboratory tests) document.
Mission, Vision, Values
Help our multicultural student population succeed by providing high quality medical care, health education, and personal development opportunities.
Students will make healthy choices that facilitate their ability to graduate, achieve personal goals, and contribute to the larger community.
- Quality
- Customer Satisfaction
- Professional and Caring Approach
- Team Spirit
- Community Service
To provide services that are multiculturally sensitive, individually respectful and caring, professionally competent and knowledgeable, and institutionally responsive and responsible. Practitioners, nurses, secretaries, educators, and other staff are advocates for patient care, health, and student development. We are committed to creating an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, stating needs, expressing concerns or problems, and offering positive or negative feedback to any person involved in the care or administrative processes connected with their use of the Weigel Health Center. It is the responsibility of every staff member to address student concerns and other issues in a timely manner and offer the advocate service to direct access to the Director of the Weigel Health Center